Upright: Boredom, nausea, distraction, weariness, aversion, imaginary vexations, full but no satisfaction,
Reversed: Reaching for opportunity, look for the good omens,
Message of Four of Cups:
2x2=4 Fours establish a foundation--which can be positive or negative. Use the Fours for a rest or respite. Do not use them as a hiding place or you may have stagnation and spoilage. Cups also known as Water, Hearts, Chalices, Goblets, Cauldrons, Vessels, and many others represents emotions, feelings, love, and spirituality. The stability of the four restricts the nature of Cups. Water needs to flow; it doesn't want to be dammed. So, there is no satisfaction, no happiness while water sits stagnant in the Four.
"I will pay attention to the gifts the world is offering and be content."
Four of Cups as a Person:
As a person, The Four of Cups represents someone who is primarily focused on themselves. Do not look to them for help at this time. And if this is you, by all means, take the time you need for yourself, but don't neglect your obligations to others, especially loved ones.
Four of Cups as Timing:
4 months, Autumn
Four of Cups as Yes/No:
not yet