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Meaning of Knight of Cups

Upright: A message is arriving, love at first sight, Invitation, Lover, Chivalrous, Pleasure seeking, Encouragement, Graceful, The Questor, self-sacrifice and devotion, warmth, love, sympathy,

Reversed: Idle, trickster, swindler, untruthful, overactive imagination, delusions of grandeur, fraud,

Message of Knight of Cups:

Knights (Prince in the Thoth deck) traditionally pictured a young man sent forth to do the bidding of the Queen or King. He represents acting, reacting, approaching any situation in a decisive manner and taking initiative. Cups also known as Water, Hearts, Chalices, Goblets, Cauldrons, Vessels, and many others represents emotions, feelings, love, and spirituality. The Knight of Cups can be calm and serene like water or tempestuous as a storm. A warrior and a pacifist, he is the only Knight not brandishing a sword in the Rider/Waite/Smith deck. The Knight of Cups is the bridge between emotions and mind, so the intentions may be good. The question is whether or not the mind is balanced enough to carry through on high ideals.

Other Names for Knight of Cups Card
The son of transformation,
Spread Position Meanings for Knight of Cups Card

Knight of Cups as a Person:

As a person, The Knight of Cups has a good and bad side. They could be the most romantic and adventurous companion or neurotic and unpredictable. Don't be swayed by their charms before having a true picture of their complete character.

Knight of Cups as Timing:

12 months, Autumn

Knight of Cups as Yes/No:
