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Meaning of Queen of Cups

Upright: Nurturing, embracing, intuitive, good, Clarity, Receptive to the needs and desires of the self or others. Self-acceptance. Appreciation of limitations and gifts. Moodiness. Empathetic, honest, devoted, perfect partner, loving parent

Reversed: Wicked, emotional chameleon, manipulative, blocked feelings, suffocating needs

Message of Queen of Cups:

Queens represented older, mature women in the traditional imagery. Now, we also think of Queens as the receptive Yin principle; consulting and questioning, listening, waiting, understanding and the wisdom to use it. They exhibit competence, calm, and confidence. Cups also known as Water, Hearts, Chalices, Goblets, Cauldrons, Vessels, and many others represents emotions, feelings, love, and spirituality.

Other Names for Queen of Cups Card
Queen of the Thrones of Waters, Queen of the Nymphs and Undines, Mother,
Spread Position Meanings for Queen of Cups Card

Queen of Cups as a Person:

As a person, The Queen of Cups represents the best kind of parent or spouse. The water signs Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio will figure large in their Natal chart.

Queen of Cups as Timing:

13 months, Autumn, It is time to reflect. June 11-July 10

Queen of Cups as Yes/No:
