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Meaning of Seven of Cups

Upright: Experimentation, temporary achievements, Daydreams, Desire, Imagination, seeking balance between individualism and conformity--not finding it, Illusion, idea, warning of false promises, sentiment, reflection, project, lust, lies, error,

Reversed: Good resolution, Intelligent selection, Not straying from the path, Making the right choice

Message of Seven of Cups:

The harmonious sixes lead to Sevens in motion--moving somewhere. The instability of the 7's can cause tension or be resolved. How well the suit responds to unpredictable change determines the outcome. Cups also known as Water, Hearts, Chalices, Goblets, Cauldrons, Vessels, and many others represents emotions, feelings, love, and spirituality. The 7 of Cups is looking for satisfaction and happiness by turning to childish pursuits and lustful addictions. Frequently, the images show spoilage. It does not have to be this way. Some people are driven to risky behaviors to try to reinvent the wheel. Look beyond the present moment.

Seven of Cups Card Affirmation

"Affirmation: “I recognize myself as I am reflected in the outer world.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Spread Position Meanings for Seven of Cups Card

Seven of Cups as a Person:

The Seven of Cups represents an eccentric, whimsical, out-of-the-box thinker. Their life path may spiral down more than up.

Seven of Cups as Timing:

7 months, Autumn

Seven of Cups as Yes/No:
