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Meaning of Two of Cups

Upright: Balancing polarities, attachment, affinity, friendship, affection, passion, harmony

Reversed: Disillusionment, separation, conflict of interests, disagreement

Message of Two of Cups:

Twos bring a mirror to the Aces. And as a mirror can represent partnerships, opposition, duality, complementarity, yin and yang, balance and/or polarities. Cups also known as Water, Hearts, Chalices, Goblets, Cauldrons, Vessels, and many others represents emotions, feelings, love, and spirituality. The Two of Cups represents the ebb and flow, the mixing of two water sources. This relationship between people or objects reflects agreement and consensus despite any differences.

Two of Cups Card Affirmation

"“I recognize the spiritual strength and power that is created from our union.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Spread Position Meanings for Two of Cups Card

Two of Cups as an Action:

As an action to take, the Two of Cups is encouraging you to embrace all possibilities in knowing self, starting a partnership, or being creative.

Two of Cups as a Person:

As a person, The Two of Cups represents a loving and supportive partner in love or business.

Two of Cups as Timing:

2 months, Autumn

Two of Cups as Yes/No:
