Upright: Expiration, Transition, Transformation, Positive change, renewal, new ideas, new focus, the end of relationships
Reversed: Stifled by fear, Disaster, Putting off the inevitable, inertia, a lack of courage, anarchy, upheaval
Message of Death:
Death is the card of endings and beginnings. Let the old you die every day so that you may embrace a new beginning. What do you need to let go of? You will move easily on your journey if you can discard those things holding you back, holding you down.
What changes do you need to make in your life?
What things do you need to accept about your future?
Death as an Action:
As an action to be taken, the Death card encourages to recognize what no longer serves you and let that shit go! Or at least give it to someone who can use it.
Death as a Person:
As a person, Death can represent anyone who works with the dying or dead-- health care professionals, grief counselors, hospice care workers, morticians.
Death as Timing:
Scorpio season (October 23 - November 22)
Death as Yes/No: