Upright: Examination, Reconciliation, Emergence, Revelation, Legal judgement in one's favor, Change in consciousness
Reversed: Separation, Material loss, Acting against your true nature, Resistance to movement
Message of Judgement:
For a modern audience, Judgement could better be called Awakening. You have been on a journey, one of many you will take in your lifetime. The Angel's Trumpet is putting you on notice. This journey is ending. There is no turning back. It is time to assess what you have learned, what you have gained, and what you have lost. You will not be judged by outside forces. This is the time for you to make judgement on yourself. Hold fast to the good stuff, let everything else fall away as a lesson you have learned.
What can you do today that you didn’t think was possible this time last year?
What could you have done better in the last year? How can you do things differently over the next year?
Judgement as an Action:
Take responsibility for your life. Examine your choices and determine how you want to move forward in a new chapter of your life.
Judgement as a Person:
As a person, Judgement represents someone who is merciful and forgiving.
Judgement as Timing:
When you are ready
Judgement as Yes/No: