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Meaning of Temperance

Upright: Harmonizing polarities, Synergy, Adaptation, Moderation, Care, Recovery, Healing, Blending, Mending,

Reversed: People pleasing, Imbalance, Infection, Compromising too much, Corruption, Bad advice

Message of Temperance:

Temperance is the Alchemical Angel representing the union of opposites. Temperance invites you to embrace the opposites inside you: positive vs. negative, confidence vs. cautiousness, assertiveness vs. acquiescence, extrovert vs. introvert, thinking vs. feeling. All your attributes are good if used properly. Find the mix that moves you forward on your journey. Are you giving yourself enough acceptance? Are you searching within to find what you need? Temper--mix, experiment, combine, dissolve--and be the best version of yourself.

Journal Prompts for Temperance Card
How can you bring more balance into your life?
What self-care habits can you bring into your life?
Other Names for Temperance Card
Art, Alchemy
Spread Position Meanings for Temperance Card

Temperance as an Action:

As an action to be taken, The Temperance/Alchemy card says your cake is not baked yet. You still have time to add more ingredients, more steps, more ideas to improve your course of action.

Temperance as a Person:

As a person, Temperance can represent an Alchemist of the Soul--someone working on themselves to great effect. Someone ruled by Temperance will be calm in a storm and patient.

Temperance as Timing:

Taurus season (April 21 - May 20)

Temperance as Yes/No:
