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Meaning of The Hanged Man

Upright: Re-birth, Surrender, Faith, Self-sacrifice, Reversal of thinking, Meditation, Heart above head, Detachment, Transition, Inspiration, Letting go. Spiritual breakthrough. Looking at things from another viewpoint. Need to relax.

Reversed: Escapism, Arrogance, Dreaminess, Ego, Resistance to Enlightenment, false prophecy, Unreality

Message of The Hanged Man:

What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals? Do not be so attached to your personal point of view that you are unable to see the world in a new way. The Hanged Man has hung himself in order to change his perspective. You are being called to do the same. Be still and listen to someone else's point of view. Enlightenment requires a pause in your daily routine.

Journal Prompts for The Hanged Man Card
What would I gain by letting go? How would it make me feel?
Spread Position Meanings for The Hanged Man Card

The Hanged Man as an Action:

As an action to be taken, The Hanged Man requires you to change your perspective. Move outside yourself before choosing a course of action.

The Hanged Man as a Person:

As a person, The Hanged Man represents someone willing to make sacrifices for personal growth or the greater good. It can also represent someone who is too self-sacrificing.

The Hanged Man as Timing:

Within the next month.

The Hanged Man as Yes/No:
