Upright: Priest, teacher, dignitary, representatives of spiritual laws. The search for hidden truth. The search for meaning, Revelation, Truth. Belief, Trust, Illumination. Knowledge and enlightenment. As an experience independent of Science and dogmatic religion. Tradition, conformity, Guru,
Reversed: Intolerance, presumption, esoteric arrogance, Bogus Religiosity, Sterile Dogmatism, Sanctimoniousness, Fundamentalism
Message of The Hierophant:
"I am the gateway to spiritual and material knowledge. I am your mentor, director, friend, and benefactor. Ask me anything, Experiment how you like and I will encourage you. My answers often come in the form of questions.
“The Spirit is life. The mind is the builder. The physical is the result." ( Edgar Cayce.)
The Emperor represents that eternal quality within humanity that transcends the four earthly elements common to all living beings on the planet. Where the emperor signifies laws in society, the hierophant symbolizes the traditions and knowledge that we need to learn to function in our culture. Embodying the religious teachings of our heritage, the Hierophant symbolizes the religious ideas we can express--doctrines, institutions, and ethical codes providing intellectual basis as well as moral structure.
""I am open to help and advice, I am looking forward now and not back.""
How can I strengthen my bonds to a fellowship, spiritual group, or esoteric order?
What traditions of my childhood, community, or cultural identity have I judged to be useful to my growth? What traditions are detrimental?
The Hierophant as an Action:
As an action to take, The Hierophant desires you to begin a new course of study leading to a better job/career, or to follow the path and ideals of those in authority over you.
The Hierophant as Advice :
When the The Hierophant card comes up in a spread in the position as advice you are in need of more education or instruction regarding your query. You should listen to a trusted elder in your community.
The Hierophant as Desires in a Person:
Desires a traditionally minded individual.
The Hierophant as Desires in a Situation :
Someone wants to be your mentor/instructor or for you to be theirs.
The Hierophant as Feelings about a Situation :
This situation needs to be examined through a moral compass.
The Hierophant as Feelings for Someone :
When The Hierophant represents a persons feelings, they could be looking for a very traditional relationship with you. Do you like vanilla?
The Hierophant as an Outcome:
In the outcome position in a tarot reading, The Hierophant can mean your help could arrive from church(religious institutions) or state(governmental resources/grants/loans).
The Hierophant as a Person:
As a person, The Hierophant represents spiritual teachers in a positive reading. In a negative reading it can represent someone with cultural prejudice and intolerance.
The Hierophant as Timing:
The Hierophant is associated with Taurus(April 21st to May 20th). Events will occur when everything is in alignment. So, you must do your part to bring your plans and hopes to fruition.
The Hierophant as Yes/No:
Archetype: God’s representative. The pontifex = the bridge between man and God
Astrology: Taurus
Element: Earth
Rune: Mannaz “the self”
Stones: Amethyst, Hyacinth
Tree of Life (Kabbalah): From Chokmah to Chesed
Numerology: 5 = the quintessence. Revelation of the hidden meaning within the four elements.
Plant/Fragrance/Essential Oil: Frankincense, lemon, sweet pea, lavender
Day/Sabbath/Ritual: Day of Prayer and RemembranceI Ching: 45 Ts’ui “Gathering Together”
"Do not believe in any tradition just because they have been valid for long years and many countries. Do not believe in something just because many people constantly repeat it. Accept nothing just because someone else has said it, because it is based upon the authority of a wise man, or because it is written in the Holy writings. Do not believe anything just because it seems probable. Do not believe in the fantasies and Visions would you consider to be given by God. Believe nothing just because the authority of a teacher or priest stands behind it. Believe in that which you have perceived to be right through a lengthy examination of your own. " Buddha
Breathe and awaken,
Leaves are stirring,
All things moving,
New day coming,
Life renewing.
Let us be United,
Let us speak in harmony,
Let our minds apprehend alike.
Common be our prayer,
Common be the end of our assembly,
Common be our resolution,
Common be our deliberations,
Alike be our feelings,
Unified by our hearts,
Common be our intentions,
Perfect be our unity
Who, day and night, must scramble for a living,
Feed a wife and children, say his daily prayers?
And who has the right, as master of the house,
To have the final word at home?
The Papa, the Papa! Tradition.
Who must know the way to make a proper home,
A quiet home, a kosher home?
Who must raise the family and run the home,
So Papa's free to read the holy book?
The Mama, the Mama! Tradition!
At three, I started Hebrew school. At ten, I learned a trade.
I hear they've picked a bride for me. I hope she's pretty.
The son, the son! Tradition!
And who does Mama teach to mend and tend and fix,
Preparing me to marry whoever Papa picks.