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Meaning of The Magician

Upright: Capability, power, Skill, faith in oneself, shrewdness, initiation, talent, concentration, Animus, channeling, energy, precision, manipulation, focus, determination, action, mastery, ambition, finesse, ability, skill, initiative, diplomacy, communication, will, desire, conduit

Reversed: blocked energy, overly aggressive, misuse of power, deception

Message of The Magician:

The Magician is the conduit who bridges spiritual intent and material manifestation. Using this energy you change the world by igniting, challenging, and manipulating the elements. You have everything that is needed. You are unstoppable when you claim your power.

The Magician Card Affirmation

"I am building my existence with the magic of the four elements. I think therefore I am."

Journal Prompts for The Magician Card
What tools or resources of my business, or aspects of my professional life have been ignored or are needed?
How can I grow and evolve my skill/talent for __________?
When the lamp of consciousness is turned on, what do I see illuminated in myself?
Other Names for The Magician Card
The Decider (Celtic Wisdom Tarot), Song of Creation, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, The Juggler, Magus (Thoth), Shaman, Diviner, Wizard, Conjurer, Profit, Exorcist, Warlock, Alchemist, Occultist, Isis (Dark Goddess Tarot)
Spread Position Meanings for The Magician Card

The Magician as an Action:

As an action to take, The Magician is asking you to gather your resources, roll up your sleeves, and go to work.

The Magician as Advice :

As the Decider of Will, The Magician sets your soul on its Journey. Bring your intentions into harmony with your destiny. Recognize what is manifesting itself in your life now.

The Magician as Desires in a Person:

Desires a motivated, innovative partnership

The Magician as Desires in a Situation :

Someone wants your energy and/or your skill put to use for their benefit. You must judge if it is to be for your benefit.

The Magician as Feelings about a Situation :

No patience for delay or false starts

The Magician as Feelings for Someone :

Be careful with someone whose feelings towards you are represented by The Magician. They may be trying to razzle dazzle you. Do not be manipulated by their drive or ambition.

The Magician as an Outcome:

All things are possible when you are versatile and innovative.

The Magician as a Person:

As a person, The Magician represents the Alchemist, the Scientist, the Ceremonial Magician... a person who has the spiritual and scientific knowledge you need to help you achieve your goals.

The Magician as Timing:

This is your time to act. If you are being thwarted, you need to re-examine your direction. Nothing will work if you are not going your own way. The Magician represents the beginning of a project and is associated with Aries (March 20th to April 21st) and the beginning of the year.

The Magician as Yes/No:


Correspondences for The Magician

Archetype: The procreating masculine or the heavenly father

Astrology: The Planet Mercury: symbol of will, wisdom, and word, through which the world was created
Sun/Mercury in Aries

Element: Air

Rune: Fehu: Cattle

Stones: diamonds, golden pyrite

Tree of Life (Kabbalah): From kether to Binah

Numerology: 1 equals the revealed Unity; the upright human being, the impulse, Yang, the masculine power

Ogham tree and Letter: Scots pine, Ailim/A

Plant/Fragrance/Essential Oil: Snakeroot, Bayberry, ginseng, flower of the nutmeg tree

Day/Sabbath/Ritual: Beginning of the year, initiation, consecration, baptism

I Ching: I Ch'ien "The Creative"

Quotes Related to The Magician
"You must do everything yourself." Alchemical principle

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
The Magician as Poetry
by Sherree Bailey

AHA! I said, I do Exist,
And have the Power to Resist
Your wretched tries to Change my Name,
I burn a steady, open Flame.

I write my Magic, Sing my Spells,
I need no one to Ring my Bell,
Upon the altar of my Mind,
I hold the Keys to Space and Time.

The Knowledge of the Universe,
Plays merrily in Song and Verse,
My Power flows through fingertips,
My Cup o'erflows, Come, Take a Sip.

Sybil, The Magician's Last Show by Shel Silverstein Magical Sybil was much too cheap
To buy her rabbit a carrot.
He grew so thin, just bones and skin,
So starved he couldn’t bear it– –
And so, as she reached into her hat
To grab him by the ears,
She felt a tug, she felt a pull,
And WHAP– – she disappeared,
“The greatest act we’ve ever seen,”
We cheered for Magical Sybil.
But all that remained was a hat and a cape
And the sound of a bunny
Goin’, “Nibble…nibble…nibble.”

The Alchemist BY Louise Bogan I burned my life, that I might find
A passion wholly of the mind,
Thought divorced from eye and bone,
Ecstasy come to breath alone.
I broke my life, to seek relief
From the flawed light of love and grief.

With mounting beat the utter fire
Charred existence and desire.
It died low, ceased its sudden thresh.
I had found unmysterious flesh—
Not the mind’s avid substance—still
Passionate beyond the will.