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Meaning of Wheel of Fortune

Upright: Chance, ebb and flow, cycles, change, the need to be centered, revolution, activity, karma, fortune, expansion, opportunities, possibilities

Reversed: reaping what you have sown, a downward turn of luck, disruption in your flow, stagnation, blockages

Message of Wheel of Fortune:

The Wheel of Fortune reminds you of the inevitability of change. Time and circumstance happen to all. Where you are on the Wheel of Life determines how well you weather the changes in fortune, success, failure, and luck that you are at the mercy of. Find your center. If you take a breath and lean into your own sense of who you are and what your purpose is, you will endure ease and hardship with the same peace and equanimity. Falling to the edge of the wheel lured by risky behaviors and a gamblers desire to get something for nothing you may be cast off your path and trampled under the wheel.

Wheel of Fortune Card Affirmation

"I can adapt to any changes in fortune and circumstances. I will not despair because something new is coming."

Journal Prompts for Wheel of Fortune Card
How can I turn changing circumstances into opportunity?
What changes are coming my way? Am I resisting or welcoming those changes and why?
What do you wish to gain or experience coming out of a current change you're going through?
Spread Position Meanings for Wheel of Fortune Card

Wheel of Fortune as an Action:

As an action to be taken, The Wheel of Fortune is an encouragement that you are indeed moving forward. The question is whether you are grounded, living at the center of the wheel where you can be clear headed about your path or have you moved so far from the center you are on a dizzying ride on the edge unable to tell if you are up or down. The best course of action is to move to your center before proceeding.

Wheel of Fortune as a Person:

As a person, The Wheel of Fortune can be a lucky or unlucky person depending on the reading and the cards around it. It can also be someone who gambles with money or opportunity.

Wheel of Fortune as Timing:

The timing is unknown. It will be a surprise.

Wheel of Fortune as Yes/No:
