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Meaning of Eight of Pentacles

Upright: Stability, Craftsmanship, concentration on the tasks at hand, putting things in order, conscientiousness, adapting to the requirements of time,

Reversed: impatience, allowing fantasies about accomplishment interfere with actual work, not seeing the forest for the trees, being paralyzed by indecision

Message of Eight of Pentacles:

Think of Eights as 2x4; Twos representing balance, opposition, or dialogue combined with the foundational or stagnant or rest options of the Fours. Pentacles (Discs, Coins, Diamonds, Spheres, Crystals, Stones, etc.) represent the Earth Element and are concerned with everything physical, possessions, wealth, things, order, tradition, endurance, finance, and value. The Eight of Pentacles is known as The Lord of Prudence or The Power of the Overall View in esoteric traditions. The balance of two times the structure of four represents what is needed to produce and intended goal. Do not be hasty or distracted when doing your life's work.

Eight of Pentacles Card Affirmation

"“I work in a meditative and steady way in order to create the results that I desire.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Spread Position Meanings for Eight of Pentacles Card

Eight of Pentacles as a Person:

As a person, the Pentacles depicts a hard-working apprentice. Hire them!

Eight of Pentacles as Timing:

midnight, 8 years, Winter

Eight of Pentacles as Yes/No:
