Upright: Control, concentration, assured material gain, stagnation, earthly power, inheritance, lack of generosity,
Reversed: material loss, prejudice, covetousness, suspicion,
Message of Four of Pentacles:
2x2=4 Fours establish a foundation--which can be positive or negative. Use the Fours for a rest or respite. Do not use them as a hiding place or you may have stagnation and spoilage. Pentacles (Discs, Coins, Diamonds, Spheres, Crystals, Stones, etc.) represent the Earth Element and are concerned with everything physical, possessions, wealth, things, order, tradition, endurance, finance, and value. As a person, the Four of Pentacles represents someone who is overly attached to their worldly goods and poor in spiritual gifts. There is financial ease, but personal disatisfaction.
"“I acknowledge my spiritual power and security. I discover my faith within.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"
Four of Pentacles as a Person:
As a person, the Four of Pentacles represents someone who is OCD, a control freak who wants to micro-manage everything, or is selfish with their resources.
Four of Pentacles as Timing:
midnight, 4 years, Winter
Four of Pentacles as Yes/No: