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Meaning of King of Pentacles

Upright: Great success, practical intelligence, great business acumen, enduring hardship without complaint, strict, authoritarian,

Reversed: dogmatic, jealous of other's successes and accomplishments, greedy, depraved. corrupt, abject fear and loathing

Message of King of Pentacles:

Kings (Knights in the Thoth deck) combine experience and assertiveness to take control of situations, directions, plans, families, businesses, institutions. Kings are goal oriented, achieving success through the inspiration and direction of others. Pentacles (Discs, Coins, Diamonds, Spheres, Crystals, Stones, etc.) represent the Earth Element and are concerned with everything physical, possessions, wealth, things, order, tradition, endurance, finance, and value. The King of Pentacles unites economy with practicality. Careful and prudent, this King can become selfish if they forget that people are as important as things.

Spread Position Meanings for King of Pentacles Card

King of Pentacles as a Person:

As a person, the King of Pentacles uses inspiration and love to lead. They are philanthropic and supportive.

King of Pentacles as Timing:

midnight, 14 years, Winter

King of Pentacles as Yes/No:
