Upright: Satisfaction, Joy, gain, security, financial luck
Reversed: poor self-esteem, lack of discipline, avarice, deception, emptiness. On a more positive note, this reversal can also picture taking a break from hard work.
Message of Nine of Pentacles:
Nines (3x3 and also 3+3+3) are the expression of complexity with a variety of possibilities and movement. However, the direction and end are not clear. the "almost 10" tension of the Nines can see you bogged down in perfectionism unless you slow down to enjoy each step of the Journey. Pentacles (Discs, Coins, Diamonds, Spheres, Crystals, Stones, etc.) represent the Earth Element and are concerned with everything physical, possessions, wealth, things, order, tradition, endurance, finance, and value. The Nine of Pentacles is also known as The Lord of Material Gain and The Power of Growth and External Increase. Whether anyone else recognizes it, you have come into your power. You know your value. You know your skill, and talents, and capability. The story of the Pentacle Suit is that of success, then collapse, then recovery. This story, your story ends on a high note. You are ready to begin a new project.
"I recognize the abundance my talents have provided"
Nine of Pentacles as a Person:
As a person, the Nine of Pentacles represents someone who excels at doing something you wish you were better at. Emulate them. Ask them to guide you
Nine of Pentacles as Timing:
midnight, 9 years, Winter
Nine of Pentacles as Yes/No: