Upright: A skilled artist or craftsman, commercial transaction, development, recognition, self-realization,
Reversed: lack of direction, inability to work with others, mediocrity, poor work habits
Message of Three of Pentacles:
1.Thesis 2. Antithesis 3. Consensus Threes are the resolution of the tension (difficult or sweet) between the Aces and the Twos. Pentacles (Discs, Coins, Diamonds, Spheres, Crystals, Stones, etc.) represent the Earth Element and are concerned with everything physical, possessions, wealth, things, order, tradition, endurance, finance, and value. The Three of Pentacles is a success card; success in business, success in a spiritual practice, success in cooperating with others to bring about a desired result.
"“With consciousness and care I plant the seeds of my life and reap the results of my actions. The challenges and disappointments of my life can be a source of strength and inner growth.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"
Three of Pentacles as a Person:
As a person, The Three of Pentacles represents a hard worker who is happy to work in a group under another person's leadership.
Three of Pentacles as Timing:
midnight, 3 years, Winter
Three of Pentacles as Yes/No: