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Meaning of Ace of Swords

Upright: Perception, Clarity, Thought, Genesis, Brilliance, Intelligence, a flash of insight, ideas are the thread of reality, being your best self,

Reversed: belligerence, weakness of will, restlessness, damnation, decay, closed thinking, efforts in vain,

Message of Ace of Swords:

Aces are the ultimate expression of the elemental suits of the Minor Arcana and represent origin, beginnings, opportunities, and potential. Swords (Spades, Knives, Daggers, Arrows, Clouds, Athames, etc.) represent the Air Element and are concerned with all mental pursuits, communication, decisions, ideas, rationality, comprehension, articulation, and conflicts. The Ace of Swords is the expression of determination able to overcome all obstacles by force of will, purity of thought, and overcoming of limitations. Use this sword for delicate work. Do not hack your way through life leaving a swath of destruction. The sword point towards the sky reminds us to ask for divine guidance when beginning any task.

Spread Position Meanings for Ace of Swords Card

Ace of Swords as a Person:

As a person, the Ace of Swords represents a clear-eyed soul who cuts to the heart of any problem without sentimentality.

Ace of Swords as Timing:

morning, 1 week, Spring

Ace of Swords as Yes/No:
