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Meaning of Five of Swords

Upright: complacency, selfishness, infamy, destruction, unfairness, slander

Reversed: a terrible situation avoided, misplaced pride, possibility of loss, a funeral,

Message of Five of Swords:

Fives are breakthrough/break out cards. Whether the stable Fours offered stability or stagnation, the Fives are here to change things up. Fives are where you face the reality of your situation with your logical mind. Swords (Spades, Knives, Daggers, Arrows, Clouds, Athames, etc.) represent the Air Element and are concerned with all mental pursuits, communication, decisions, ideas, rationality, comprehension, articulation, and conflicts. This "Lord of Defeat" represents a violent conflict in which the winner is neither happy nor vindicated. They have conquered without compromise. The Five of Swords can also represent the devastation of cruel words. How you win is as important as winning. What relationships do you need to repair?

Five of Swords Card Affirmation

"I will choose mercy over judgement."

Spread Position Meanings for Five of Swords Card

Five of Swords as a Person:

As a person, the Five of Swords can depict someone "raised by wolves". They lack proper socialized behavior and are unable to be honest or reliable from a lack of modeling by a loving family.

Five of Swords as Timing:

morning, 5 weeks, Spring

Five of Swords as Yes/No:
