Upright: Waiting, stability, truce, rest, recuperation, withdrawal, closure, stillness, social justice, tolerance, banishment, sleeping well, regenerating
Reversed: not trusting your decisions, instability of mind, social unrest, caution required, renewed activity,
Message of Four of Swords:
2x2=4 Fours establish a foundation--which can be positive or negative. Use the Fours for a rest or respite. Do not use them as a hiding place or you may have stagnation and spoilage. Swords (Spades, Knives, Daggers, Arrows, Clouds, Athames, etc.) represent the Air Element and are concerned with all mental pursuits, communication, decisions, ideas, rationality, comprehension, articulation, and conflicts. The Four of Swords is known as The Lord of Rest from Strife and The Spirit of Contemplation. The Waite-Smith deck shows a soldier's tomb. The Thoth deck names the Four of Swords Truce. You need to decide to take time to meditate on what to do next. Or this may be the time to put to rest those things holding you back in any way.
"I give myself time to rest, reflect, and recuperate."
Four of Swords as a Person:
As a person, the Four of Swords represents someone in the therapy field. They can also be someone who needs therapy--emotional or physical.
Four of Swords as Timing:
morning, 4 weeks, Spring, October 13 - October 22
Four of Swords as Yes/No: