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Meaning of Knight of Swords

Upright: courage, integrity, a pure heart, the ending of bad luck, sharpness of mind, initiate into a new discipline,

Reversed: boastful, cruel, jealous, self-destructive, unstable, unreliable, moody

Message of Knight of Swords:

Knights (Prince in the Thoth deck) traditionally pictured a young man sent forth to do the bidding of the Queen or King. He represents acting, reacting, approaching any situation in a decisive manner and taking initiative. Swords (Spades, Knives, Daggers, Arrows, Clouds, Athames, etc.) represent the Air Element and are concerned with all mental pursuits, communication, decisions, ideas, rationality, comprehension, articulation, and conflicts. The Knight of Swords represents swiftness to action in all intellectual pursuits. This quickness can manifest as a snappy or snippy remark to you or from you regarding the character of another. Use this energy to accomplish your goals quickly but don't forget to engage your compassion towards yourself and others.

Knight of Swords Card Affirmation

"Affirmation: “With strength and clarity I move forward in pursuit of my dreams and visions.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Spread Position Meanings for Knight of Swords Card

Knight of Swords as a Person:

As a person, the Knight of Swords is charming and superficial. Be careful to not entrust them with your heart or finances.

Knight of Swords as Timing:

morning, 12 weeks, Spring

Knight of Swords as Yes/No:
