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Meaning of Queen of Swords

Upright: widowhood, sadness, and the plight of women in a patriarchal world, articulate, pointed, desire for freedom and self-determination

Reversed: not speaking your truth, malice, bigotry, reserved

Message of Queen of Swords:

Queens represented older, mature women in the traditional imagery. Now, we also think of Queens as the receptive Yin principle; consulting and questioning, listening, waiting, understanding and the wisdom to use it. They exhibit competence, calm, and confidence. Swords (Spades, Knives, Daggers, Arrows, Clouds, Athames, etc.) represent the Air Element and are concerned with all mental pursuits, communication, decisions, ideas, rationality, comprehension, articulation, and conflicts. The Queen of Swords is known as The Mother of Light & Divine Wisdom and The Queen of the Unattainable Peak. They are big on justice and small on mercy even towards themselves. This is the "Mom" who accepts no excuses for an unmade bed, but also the person who denies themself a larger house to make sure their child gets a good education.

Queen of Swords Card Affirmation

"Affirmation: “I am willing to take my visions and dreams and share them with the world around me.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Spread Position Meanings for Queen of Swords Card

Queen of Swords as a Person:

As a person, the Queen of Swords can represent your painfully honest, bitchy friend who wants the best for you but lacks the ability to communicate with you in a compassionate manner.

Queen of Swords as Timing:

morning, 13 weeks, Spring

Queen of Swords as Yes/No:
