Upright: treason, perception, grief, shrewd but painful insights, injury, despair, sorrow,
Reversed: self-delusion, disruption, separation, estrangement
Message of Three of Swords:
1.Thesis 2. Antithesis 3. Consensus Threes are the resolution of the tension (difficult or sweet) between the Aces and the Twos. Swords (Spades, Knives, Daggers, Arrows, Clouds, Athames, etc.) represent the Air Element and are concerned with all mental pursuits, communication, decisions, ideas, rationality, comprehension, articulation, and conflicts. The Three of Swords is the Lord of Sorrow, the culmination of self-examination that reveals blockages, sorrows, traumas. This new awareness may cause pain and suffering, but it also shows you that you can move through it and out of it. Be courageous.
"When I truly know myself, I will know the way to go."
Three of Swords as a Person:
As a person, the Three of Swords can depict someone who is sick at heart or actually ill and needs medical assistance.
Three of Swords as Timing:
morning, 3 weeks, Spring, October 3 - October 12
Three of Swords as Yes/No: