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Meaning of Ace of Wands

Upright: growing seed, creation, enterprise, the starting point, birth, family of origin, natural force, concentrated will, potential, lively, phallic

Reversed: Hesitation, Destruction through exaggeration, impotence, setbacks, failure through arrogance, doubt, unemployment

Message of Ace of Wands:

Aces are the ultimate expression of the elemental suits of the Minor Arcana and represent origin, beginnings, opportunities, and potential. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Ace of Wands is also known as The Root of the Powers of Fire and represents the second highest energy in the Tarot deck after XIX The Sun. As the source of all creative passion this card encourages transformation, invention, and the energetic resources to begin a new business, practice, or relationship.

Ace of Wands Card Affirmation

"Affirmation: “I am a child of the universe. I embrace the illuminations revealed.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Journal Prompts for Ace of Wands Card
What new parts of myself are awakening?
Other Names for Ace of Wands Card
Spark, The Book of Creation, Vesta (the Roman Goddess of Holy Fire)
Spread Position Meanings for Ace of Wands Card

Ace of Wands as a Person:

As a person, the Ace of Wands depicts a courageous soul always up to try something new and to inspire you to take the leap of faith with them.

Ace of Wands as Timing:

noon, 1 day, Summer

Ace of Wands as Yes/No:
