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Meaning of Five of Wands

Upright: struggle, conflict, training, competition, turmoil, too much drama,

Reversed: end of conflict, calm returns, hot passions dwindle, go home, the fight is over, time to learn how to disagree without anger

Message of Five of Wands:

Fives are breakthrough/break out cards. Whether the stable Fours offered stability or stagnation, the Fives are here to change things up. Fives are where you face the reality of your situation with your logical mind. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Five of Wands is also known as The Lord of Strife and frequently appears when you are having difficulty at work, with a co-worker, boss, or employee. Remember to be calm and not feed the fire of disagreement. This Five can also picture a friendly competition. Strive to be your best not just to beat down everyone else.

Spread Position Meanings for Five of Wands Card

Five of Wands as a Person:

As a person, The Five of Wands represents a volatile individual who believes they always will have the upper hand.

Five of Wands as Timing:

noon, 5 days, Summer

Five of Wands as Yes/No:
