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Meaning of Four of Wands

Upright: preparation, perfectionism, agreement, harmony, making a home, marriage, celebration, peace, domestic bliss, blessings, practical manifestation,

Reversed: some sources believe even the reverse of this card is positive: prosperity and reward, but perhaps less than expected, most sources list: disharmony, cancelled celebrations, senselessness, overestimation of self

Message of Four of Wands:

2x2=4 Fours establish a foundation--which can be positive or negative. Use the Fours for a rest or respite. Do not use them as a hiding place or you may have stagnation and spoilage. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Four of Wands is also known as the Lord of Perfected Work or the Lord of Completion. This is the time to pay close attention to detail. Be patient with yourself and others. However, also be conscious of a tendency towards procrastination, Do your best but don't fall prey to self-critical perfectionism.

Four of Wands Card Affirmation

"My stability, sweetness, and joy are sweetest when shared with others."

Journal Prompts for Four of Wands Card
Write a thorough plan/outline for your next project. Reread what you've written. Did anything change when you put pen to paper?
Other Names for Four of Wands Card
Completion, The Smith, Kamui Fuchi (Ainu Goddess of the Hearth),
Spread Position Meanings for Four of Wands Card

Four of Wands as a Person:

As a person, the Four of Wands represents a spontaneous person who also is grounded.

Four of Wands as Timing:

noon, 4 days, Summer

Four of Wands as Yes/No:
