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Meaning of Knight of Wands

Upright: active, bold, over-enthusiastic, can signify departure or a change in residence, turbulence, discovery, scientific investigation,

Reversed: passive, cautious, unmotivated, fear, break, separation, deadly passion, the two steps back, overconfidence and the result, a jealous lover,

Message of Knight of Wands:

Knights (Prince in the Thoth deck) traditionally pictured a young man sent forth to do the bidding of the Queen or King. He represents acting, reacting, approaching any situation in a decisive manner and taking initiative. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Knight of Wands is acting on you when you are in an adventurous mood. This may be the time for travel, changing direction, and breaking free of a stifling situation.

Knight of Wands Card Affirmation

"“Discretion and receptivity are the keys to my power.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Spread Position Meanings for Knight of Wands Card

Knight of Wands as a Person:

As a person, the Knight of Wands depicts someone charismatic, articulate, and charming. However, they are always moving forward so enjoy them while you can and give them nothing you will regret losing.

Knight of Wands as Timing:

noon, 12 days, Summer

Knight of Wands as Yes/No:
