Upright: adapting to a difficult situation, overcoming an obstacle, nothing risked, nothing gained, the power of experience,
Reversed: struggle, defeat, early success without the experience to sustain the effort, remaining closed to new ideas, weakness, also giving up an indefensible position because of recognized deficits,
Message of Nine of Wands:
Nines (3x3 and also 3+3+3) are the expression of complexity with a variety of possibilities and movement. However, the direction and end are not clear. the "almost 10" tension of the Nines can see you bogged down in perfectionism unless you slow down to enjoy each step of the Journey. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Nine of Wands is also known as The Flames of Harmony and the Lord of Great Strength. The figure on the Waite-Smith deck represents someone always on guard to protect against all difficulties. This guard also stands on the threshold, a liminal space between above and below, darkness and light, physical and emotional.
"Affirmation: “I feel inner balance and groundedness. I face any opposition with peace and understanding.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"
Nine of Wands as a Person:
As a person, the Nine of Wands depicts a person who will show up in any kind of disaster to render aid.
Nine of Wands as Timing:
noon, 9 days, Summer
Nine of Wands as Yes/No: