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Meaning of Ten of Wands

Upright: mental or physical burden, oppression, burnout, success with difficulties, bad outcome in a lawsuit,

Reversed: unnecessary burdens, time for a break

Message of Ten of Wands:

Tens imply the completion of a journey; success or failure, finally home or where the Fk am I? This is definitely the time to take a pause, look around. Are you where you want to be? Celebrate the good endings and inculcate the lessons learned and the obstacles overcome. Your next journey is right around the corner. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Ten of Wands is also known as The Flames of Self-Determination and the Lord of Oppression. Are you oppressed by intense worries? Do you need to examine your emotional response to difficulties? Are you having difficulties with a father figure? Use these questions to make a calm assessment of your situation and determine where you need to change or you need to leave a disagreement.

Ten of Wands Card Affirmation

"Affirmation: “I willingly take on my responsibilities and allow others to take on theirs as well.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"

Journal Prompts for Ten of Wands Card
What needs changing so that I may live life with more joy and freedom? Are my greatest dreams really attainable?
Other Names for Ten of Wands Card
Thyone the Greek Goddess of Divine Frenzy (Dark Goddess Tarot), Oppression (Thoth Deck),
Spread Position Meanings for Ten of Wands Card

Ten of Wands as an Action:

self-righteousness, drive for power

Ten of Wands as Feelings for Someone :

Inner blockages are causing a hardening of feeling towards someone. If there is no softening or forgiveness, this relationship may never recover.

Ten of Wands as a Person:

As a person, the Ten of Wands is the personification of the Martyr. Yes, they'll help you, yes, they work hard, but they gripe constantly about a lack of appreciation.

Ten of Wands as Timing:

noon, 10 days, Summer

Ten of Wands as Yes/No:
