Upright: exploration, future plans, assistance, expansion, observation, skillful cooperation in business, there is no going back
Reversed: stagnation, painful yearning, investigate your business partners, termination of trouble, deception
Message of Three of Wands:
1.Thesis 2. Antithesis 3. Consensus Threes are the resolution of the tension (difficult or sweet) between the Aces and the Twos. Wands (Clubs, Rods, Sticks, Staves, Torches, Batons, etc.) represent the Element of Fire and concerns Energy, Passion, Desire, Creativity, Spark, Insight, Devotion, Calling and Action. The Three of Wands is named The Lord of Established Strength in esoteric traditions. You are in a position of strength. You have the ability to accomplish much by yourself and by directing others,
"Affirmation: “This is the first day of the rest of my life. I go forth with inner strength and confidence.” Cantin, Candis; Tierra, Michael. The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot"
Three of Wands as a Person:
As a person, the Three of Wands depicts a harmonious spirit who inspires you with music and encouragement.
Three of Wands as Timing:
noon, 3 days, Summer
Three of Wands as Yes/No: